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What are Long Tail keywords? A long tail keyword is a low-search volume keyword that is specific and descriptive. A long-tail keyword tends to be very specific, niche keywords with low search volume. They are usually longer and more specific than head terms and often have greater search intent.


Searchers who use long tail keywords tend to be further along in their buying cycle and are, therefore, more likely to convert. If you’re starting out in SEO or trying to rank for a high-traffic head term, it’s probably not realistic to try to rank for a long tail keyword.

Long tail keywords can be a great way to get started with SEO. If you can rank for a long-tail keyword, you may be able to rank for the head term as well. And even if you don’t end up ranking for the head term, you can still get traffic from searchers looking for what you offer.

To find long-tail keywords, you can do keyword research using a tool like Google Keyword Planner. Start by entering a seed word or phrase into the tool, and then look at the results to see what sorts of specific, niche keywords come up.

Why are they called “Long Tail” keywords?

A long-tail keyword is a keyword that is very specific and has a low search volume. It is usually five words or more. Long-tail keywords are not as popular as other, more general keywords. However, they can be useful because they are more specific and can help you target a particular audience.


For example, a long-tail keyword might be “men’s size six sports shoes” if you sell sports shoes. This specific keyword makes it clear what kind of product you are selling. Someone searching for this keyword is likely to be further along in the buying process and, thus, more likely to purchase your product.

While long-tail keywords may have low search volume, they can still be effective. By targeting specific, high-quality keywords, you can attract the right kind of visitors to your site.

How Do Long Tail Keywords Work?

Long-tail keywords are usually made up of multiple words and are often more specific to what the searcher is looking for. For example, someone looking for a new car might search for “best cars of 2022” or “cars under $100,000.” However, someone looking for a specific car like a Volkswagen Tiguan Sports model would search for the “2022 Volkswagen Tiguan Sports Model.”


Long-tail keywords are often less competitive than head terms or broad keywords because they are more specific. This means that there are usually fewer websites competing for long-tail keywords. When it comes to SEO, long-tail keywords can be a great way to target a specific audience and get your website to rank higher in search engine results pages.

Why Are Long Tail Keywords Important?

Keywords are the foundation of any SEO strategy – they help you rank in search results and drive traffic to your website. But not all keywords are created equal. Head terms (i.e., short, general keywords) are much harder to rank for than long-tail ones (i.e., longer, more specific ones).


Long-tail keywords are easier to rank because they’re less competitive. When a searcher uses a broad keyword like “web hosting”, millions of results compete for that top spot on the first page of Google. But if you use a long-tail keyword like “Managed WordPress Hosting in Singapore”, you’ll have a much better chance of ranking on the first page.

In general, it’s easier to get onto the first page of Google with a long-tail keyword than a head term. And being on the first page is crucial – 91% of searchers never go past the first page of search results.

So, to drive traffic to your website, focus on long-tail keywords. They may not get as much search volume as head terms, but they’re essential for an effective SEO strategy.

Why Makes Long Tail Keywords Valuable?

One of the most important aspects of SEO is choosing the right keywords, and long-tail keywords can be extremely valuable. Long-tail keywords are easier to rank because they are less competitive than short-tail ones. If someone searches for a long-tail keyword on Google, your website is more likely to appear in the search results.


Search terms that are longer and more specific are known as long-tail keywords. And although they get less traffic individually than head terms, they can make up most of the searches. That’s why optimizing for long-tail keywords can be extremely beneficial.

Long tail keywords are also less competitive, which means it’s usually easier to rank for them. And since they’re specific, they usually convert better than general, short-tail keywords. To drive more traffic to your website, focus on optimizing for long-tail keywords.

Keywords can help you get found in search engines and optimize your website, but long-tail keywords are especially valuable. If you want to improve your SEO strategy, focus on long-tail keywords.

Why target Long Tail keywords?

Long tail keywords are those that are more specific and usually longer than the head keywords that everyone is targeting. They are often easier to rank for because there is less competition, and they can help you rank for the head keywords that you want to rank for. If you have a good SEO strategy, you can get your website on the first page of Google for long tail keywords, which will help you get more traffic and improve your business.

How to Find Long Tail Keywords for your Ad Campaigns?

To find long-tail keywords for your ad campaigns, start by thinking about the main keyword or search term you want to target. Then, use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner or Google Search to find potential keywords. Finally, use a long-tail keyword strategy to identify the best keywords to target.


Long-tail keywords are longer, more specific, less competitive, and easier to rank for. By targeting these keywords, you can improve your chances of seeing your ad by potential customers.

To find long-tail keywords, start by brainstorming a list of potential keywords based on your main keyword. Then, use Google Keyword Planner or Google Search to find related keywords. Finally, use a long-tail keyword strategy to identify the best keywords to target.

There are a few different ways to do a long-tail keyword strategy. One popular method is to use Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner tool to find high-volume, low-competition keywords. Another approach is to use a tool like Long Tail Pro to find profitable niche keywords.

Once you’ve identified a few potential long-tail keywords, testing them out before you add them to your ad campaigns is important. You can do this by conducting keyword research and using Google AdWords’ Keyword Planner tool to see how much traffic each keyword gets and how much competition there is for each keyword.

SEO benefits of Long Tail keywords

A long-tail keyword is a specific search term that someone uses to find something specific. It is usually longer and more specific than a head term, which is a general, broad keyword. Long-tail keywords are great for SEO because they are very specific and usually have lower competition than head terms. This means that if you want to rank for a certain long-tail keyword, you need to create content that is specifically targeted at that keyword. You can also use keyword variations in your content to make it more relevant to what searchers are looking for.

Creating a list of long-tail keywords relevant to your business is a great first step in developing an SEO strategy. Once you have a list of keywords, you can start creating content that is optimized for those keywords. It is important to keep in mind the search intent of the person searching for each keyword, as this will help you create content most relevant to their needs.

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